The artist

Artist, writer, and photographer, Jill Culiner was born in New York and raised in Toronto. At 17, she began an itinerant life that led back to New York, then on to San Francisco, London, Paris, Amsterdam and small villages in France, England, Germany, Turkey, Hungary and Greece. She has worked delivering newspapers, as a radio announcer, cashier, translator, fortune teller, belly dancer, B-girl, model, and actor. She has crossed much of Europe on foot, and her artwork has been exhibited in cultural centres, galleries and museums throughout Europe as well as in Canada. She began her literary career by writing and telling travel stories on Radio France. Her book Finding Home in the Footsteps of the Jewish Fusgeyers won the Joseph and Faye Tannenbaum Prize for Canadian History in 2005.


Art Exhibitions

Group Exhibitions (selection)

1980-84: Nicolas Treadwell Gallery, London - Oeil de Bœuf Gallery – Salon de Vitré - Salon de Montrouge - Work on Paper, Museum of Modern Art, Paris, Pont à Mousson
1994-97: From a Forgotten Source (curator Christian Gattinoni): Galerie Isabelle Bongard, Paris - La Rochelle - Château-Gontier – Arles, Rome - Museum of Living History, Montreuil
1996-99: The Marginarts: Allonnes - La Roche sur Yon - Saint Nazaire - Rennes Fougères Saint Jean de Monts - Arras - Auray
1999-2006: MonumentArt: Allonnes - La Roche sur Yon - Saint Nazaire – Rennes Fougères - Saint Jean de Monts – Arras - Bale

Solo exhibitions:
1984: Galerie Limugal, Paris
1985-86: Box(es):
Centre Culturel Lorient - CAC, Saint Brieuc – Maison de la Culture, Rennes - Artothèque, Vitré – Centre Culturel, Le Mans
1987: Singular Sculptures; False Movement, Metz – Le Château, Tours
1992: Wundstellen: Holbeinhaus, Augsburg, Germany, Thinking of Biarritz: Photogallery, Augsburg, Germany
1994: Jill Culiner - Boxes: La Chapelle du Geneteil, Château Gontier
1995: Intimate Landscape (photography): Le Château, Tours
1996: The Erased Memory (photography): ODDC, Saint Brieuc - Le Triangle, Rennes – Archives, Laval - Box(es): Vieux marché, Châteaubriant
1997: Copies (almost) in conformity (photography): Mediathèque, Allonnes - Gallery “le Lieu” Lorient – The Ursulines, Quimperlé
1998-2002: The Erased Memory (photography): Living History Museum, Montreuil - Resistance Museum, Besançon (sponsored by UNESCO) - La Ville d'Allonnes - Koffler Gallery, Toronto, Canada
2002: Sad Holidays (photography): Turin, Italy
2004: Aki kiált és akik meg is hallgatlak (photography) : Kiss Pal Museum, Tiszafüred, Hungary - Eger Cultural Center, Hungary, Holokausztkutató: Jewish Film Festival, Budapest, Hungary
2011: The Investigations of Inspector Myope:  La Perrine Museum d’Arts Singulier, Laval (Mayenne) Les Toiles de la Mayenne, Fontaine-Daniel, Lycée Rouseau, Laval
2015-2016 : Félix et Moi : à la recherche du patrimoine : Toiles de la Mayenne, Fontaine Daniel, Eglise de Saint-Pierre sur Erve, Mayenne
2019 : Jill Culiner Boîtes : Espace M, Tour Montparnasse, Paris
2023: The election of Miss Pork Paté: Galerie ArtMature, Fresnay-sur-Sarthe


1985: Catalogue Mise En Boite(s), Maison de la Culture, Rennes, texts by Gilbert Lascault,
Hervé Pejaudier, Marcel Calvez - Canal Magazine, text by D. Robert-Guedon
1986: Singular Sculptures, False Movement, Metz, text by Bruno Dostert
1992: Wundstellen Einer Heilen Gesellschaft, City of Augsburg, text Bruno Dostert - Jill Culiner 'Eine Weltenbummlerin', Arc d'Art, Augsburg, (December)
1995: Catalogue: The Marginarts, Rémy Le Guillerme - Catalogue Paysage les uns, Paysages les autres text P. Bernier – Intimate Landscapes Catalogue, City of Tours
1996: Catalogue La Mémoire Effacée, texte Danielle Yverniaux - Galerie Le Lieu, Lorient - ODDC, Saint Brieuc - Le Triangle - Rennes
1998: Jill Culiner Tiens, La Mayenne
1999: Photography in France, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, texte Christian Gattinoni
2000: Artist Project, Fuse Magazine, Janice Andrea
2004: Aki kiált és akik meg is hallgatlak Kolosvari Szabadsag, Szolnok, Hungary texte de Agnès Szego
 2011: Catalogue Les investigations de l'inspecteur Myope: Musée d’Art naïf et des Arts Singuliers, Laval, (Mayenne) textes de Antoinette Le Falher, Rémy Le Guillerm, Emmanuel, Doreau, Guillaume Garot
2016 : Le Glob Journal :
2019: Femme et artiste en liberté ! Le Chêne des Evets, Magazine de la Libre Pensée
2022: Jill Culiner : Écrivaine, historienne, conférencière, plasticienne, dessinatrice,photographe, musicienne texte Rémy Le Guillerm, Maine Découvertes 113
2022: J’essaie de faire « du cul-cul la praline intelligent,  Le petit Babillard n° 35

Public collections:
National Fund for Contemporary Art, Paris, National Library, Paris - Women's Rights Office, Augsburg, Germany - Artotheque, Vitry - Radio France Mayenne, Laval - Artotheque, La Rochelle - The City of Quimperlé


The actress

Sunflowers by Andrew Rokita

Short film shot at the Hôtel de la Boule d'Or in 2015

Video Clip when Jill becomes Jeanne

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